Emergency Medical Information Program
The Emergency Medical Information program, or EMI, helps us find your medical information in an emergency. You can download and print a form or pick up a kit at your nearest fire station.
- Fill out one form for each member of your family.
- Place the forms inside the plastic bag, and place the bag in the cardboard tube.
- Place the tube in your kitchen refrigerator. This is a standard practice, so first responders quickly know where to find information.
- Place the red EMI sticker in a visible location near the primary entrance to your home.
- Update your information when your health or medications change. Consider reviewing your information every time you change your clocks for Daylight Saving Time.
You only need one tube, but make sure you include information for everyone in your household. Download additional forms online, or request them by calling 360-387-1512.

Blue House Signs
Can we find you in an emergency? When you call 911, every second counts. Blue house signs help make your address clearly visible from the street. Order your personalized address sign for $20.
These are blue metal signs with white reflective vinyl letters. Horizontal and vertical signs are available – post not included. All proceeds go toward our Firefighter Training Scholarship Fund.
1. Click here to submit your house information using our online form.
2. If you forgot to pay online, you can click here to pay by credit card
You may also mail or bring payment to our Administrative Offices – 811 N. Sunrise Blvd.
Note: Payment is due before your order can be processed.
Questions? Call us at 360-387-1512 or email info@camanofire.com

Ambulance Transport & Cost Information
Calling 911 for medical reasons doesn’t cost you anything. If our EMTs and Paramedics treat you but do not transport you, it does not cost you anything.
If we transport you, we can only transport to hospital emergency rooms.
Questions about billing or insurance should be directed to our third-party billing company, Systems Design West (SDW), at 800-238-9398
If you do not receive the assistance you need from SDW, our 3rd party billing agency, please contact Amy Martin at Camano Fire at 360-505-7612 or amartin@camanofire.com.

Insurance Protection Classification rating
In March 2021, the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau upgraded the Protection Classification for Island County Fire District 1 – the area served by Camano Island Fire & Rescue – to a 5/6.
Properties rated as a 5 must be located within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant. Properties located more than 1,000 feet from a fire hydrant are rated a 6.
Download the classification upgrade letter or read the full WSRB report.
Safety & Preparedness Resources
Looking for the latest weather forecast, tide charts, or information about how to prepare your family in the event of an emergency? These links will help you find local and regional information.
County Emergency Management
Preparedness Information
- Camano Island – Indian Beach Area
- Camano Island – Livingston Bay Area
- West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
- National Weather Service – Seattle
American Red Cross resources
Washington State