Outdoor Burning FAQs

April 30, 2024

Spring is often the time when our friends and neighbors burn their burn piles before summer burn bans are issued. What should you know about outdoor burning on Camano Island?

Who do I call to report fires that create a nuisance or illegal burning?
Call 9-1-1. The Island County Sheriff’s Office enforces all burning laws on Camano Island.
You can contact the Northwest Clean Air Agency at 360-428-1617 or submit an online complaint if you are concerned about local air quality. 

Do I need a burn permit?
YES – If you are burning yard debris or any vegetative material larger than 4 feet in diameter. Contact Island County to get a permit.

NO – Recreational campfires – made up of seasoned firewood – smaller than 3 feet by 2 feet DO NOT require a permit. 

Who issues burn permits?
Island County issues burn permits. The fire department does not issue burn permits.

What can I burn?
You can only burn natural vegetation or firewood. Only burn when it is not windy (winds less than 7 mph).

You CANNOT burn garbage, use burn barrels, or create a nuisance. A nuisance is smoke, odor, or ash that unreasonably interferes with the use and enjoyment of neighboring properties.

If you see nuisance burning, contact the Northwest Clean Air Agency to file a complaint.