June 20, 2023
Three new, high-definition video laryngoscopes are now standard equipment on Camano Fire ambulances thanks to a $5,000 grant from the Medic One Foundation.
Video laryngoscopes help paramedics see inside a patient’s throat when they have to intubate someone. Intubation is a procedure paramedics use if a patient can’t breathe on their own.
“This technology gives our paramedics a clear picture of exactly what’s happening during an intubation,” Fire Chief Levon Yengoyan said. “We’re grateful for the support of the Medic One Foundation in helping us update our equipment.”
“Helping fire departments equip and support their firefighters and paramedics is an important part of our mission,” said Craig Peterson, Medic One Foundation board member and Camano Island resident. “This much-needed equipment will better serve the Camano Island community in a life-threatening emergency.”
Since 2000, the Medic One Foundation has invested more than $1 million in patient care and life-saving emergency equipment grants to fire departments around Puget Sound.